I teach art and writing workshops designed for a range of student ages, interests, and skill levels.


Incoming Washington College freshmen work right through the solar eclipse of 2017 to bind their books,

Recent workshops include a 4-day book arts pre-orientation intensive for Washington College students, and a week-long program visit at the University of Maine Machias, where I worked with students individually on their poems, visited the Book Arts class, and gave a poetry reading.

See anything you like?

Work with me!

Workshop Subject Areas:

  • Introductory Creative Writing

    • Poetry, Creative Nonfiction, Fiction

  • Poetry (all levels)

  • Letterpress Printing

    • Introduction to handset type

    • Linoleum block printing

    • Dynamic typography

  • Hand Bookbinding

  • Hand Papermaking

  • The Verbal and the Visual

    • Combining writing and art

  • Boxmaking

Students and their work, from a 4-day intensive workshop on letterpress, bookbinding, and papermaking at Washington College.

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Student poem title hand set and locked in the bed of a press at University of Maine Machias, 2017,

Student poem title hand set and locked in the bed of a press at University of Maine Machias, 2017,

Inks laid out for printing at University of Maine Machias

Inks laid out for printing at University of Maine Machias

Student work: Handmade paper with plant inclusions; line dried with minimal restraint.

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Student Work: A handmade sheet of paper with plant inclusions, on the line to dry.