Fresh lychee in Tuscaloosa!?!

There's a new Chinese restaurant in town, Mr. Chen's, and thank goodness, because the options before yesterday were pretty dismal. Lots of people love the long-lived Swen but I find its food bland and/or oversalted at best, and mostly catered (probably wisely) to the American (Southerner).

Mr. Chen's, however, has a mix of the American Chinese staples and more interesting options, like basil squid and turnip cakes. What I ordered last night at the opening, pork in black bean sauce, I found too salty, but apparently the preserved beans in the sauce are meant to be salty (like capers?).  The pork itself was tender and the veggies were not overcooked.  My friends ordered the basil squid and pork with bean curd and bamboo shoots -- and those dishes were perfect. I know what I'm ordering next time.  Although I'd like to try their noodles... and the turnip cakes... and the steamed buns...

There's a well-stocked market attached, too, which has all manner of surprising and wonderful fresh items, like lychee, which I haven't had since 2006, from Paddy's Market in Sydney...

duck eggs and quail eggs and seaweed...

a variety of herbs and vegetables I don't recognize, Hass avocados for 50 cents cheaper than at the Publix, and a small but fun selection of fish and cuttlefish (cleaned and uncleaned) resting on ice at the back.

They also had spiced watermelon seeds, which I haven't had since middle school! And a freezer selection of dim sum and popsicles and squid and, and!  I got two frozen dim sum things I recognized (with a friend's help):

I'm trying to resist the urge to go back to the market today and buy everything that caught my eye last night. I already ate all the lychee I bought, though...


In other news, Friend Dog is back with her loving person companion, and I am sad to see her go.  Though I won't have her to keep me company on walks, I should try to keep waking up early (for me) and walking through the graveyard (but not to Mary's Cakes, I've been eating way too many of their pain au chocolat for my own good).

We did go to the farmer's market yesterday, one last jaunt, albeit briefly because of the oppressive heat. I bought two giant pots of basil to tide me over until my basil takes off (one of these days) along with corn and peaches. Every one of the sellers came around from their tables to pet Friend Dog, every single one, and they and market-goers asked about her name, if she had puppies, what kind of dog was she, and oh how well behaved, oh how pretty, so pretty, so perfect.

Which is all so very true.  She's been a great houseguest and a whole lot of fun to have around.